Pools daniels204

Pool Position
🐶 ⚽️ Sportunity EK Poule - De Moos Voorspeldoos 304 53+*
Afterbeat FC 5564 10
EK Poule Van der Lijn / FC Surhústerfean 26 215
Flexcoaches EK Poule 1701 19*
Flow Reizen EK 2024 1657 34
Foodtruck Hungry Jack 2698 11
Fysio Balance 1863 15
Fysiq Vision EK poule 2024 4374 16
IJMed open poule 3527 17
InTechniek.com EK2024 114 89
Sportshop Bouwes EK Poule 296 30
vtbnh poule 2889 15

+ This pool doesn't count all rounds. The points in this pool may differ from your total points.

* The ranking in this pool doesn't take the extra predictions into account. This means the points you scored in this pool may differ from your total points.