Ranking pools Euro 2024

A pool is included in this ranking when it has at least 5 members. The ranking is calculated by adding up the points of the first 5 members of each pool. Only members that registered to a pool before 6/18/2024 are taken into account.

No. Name Points Member count
8160 Highflight 1,728 11
HooBlaCaa 1,728 6
HvM EK2024 1,728 8
Insta kampioenen 1,728 10
Jaahtoch 1,728 10
Jansen Food 1,728 19
KalmAn 1,728 11
Kompe pool 1,728 20
Lijpe lokale straat rat 1,728 10
Makacrib EURO 2024 1,728 6
Medir 1,728 9
Midlife Crisis EK-pool '24 1,728 7
Mooie momenten club 🤩 1,728 8
Niet genoeg gezopen dan!! 1,728 6
Nostics Euro 2024 1,728 16
Oosterpoort Opleidingen 1,728 26
Os Lusitanos 1,728 5
OTC Meiden 1,728 9
Panter string 1,728 7
Rellecom 1,728 8
RKC Europees Kampioen! 1,728 6
Royal Bodewes EK 2024 1,728 11
Schick als topscoorder 1,728 8
Sirius 1,728 6
SMC Voorspellersss 1,728 16