Ranking pools Euro 2024

A pool is included in this ranking when it has at least 5 members. The ranking is calculated by adding up the points of the first 5 members of each pool. Only members that registered to a pool before 6/18/2024 are taken into account.

No. Name Points Member count
12410 PoulePro Kinderhulp 1,550 14
Randwijk am Rhein! 1,550 10
Sagels 1,550 7
Sporkie 1,550 5
SVC JC 1,550 8
SWIS EK Pool 1,550 15
Takkepoule 1,550 12
Topscorers van de 3e helft 1,550 5
Van de Raa & Co 1,550 7
Van der Weidentjes 1,550 9
Van Straaties 1,550 8
Verliezer ruimt kelder op🏆 1,550 6
Voorselectie jo15-1 poule 1,550 20
Whats Cracking 1,550 7
Woltersjes 1,550 6
wUrck 1,550 13
ZZC knaapjes 1,550 5
12468 Allemachtig prachtig 1,549 13
AwesomePossumsAndFriends 1,549 16
Bakkratje 1,549 12
Baldadig EK 1,549 8
Bartjes vs Kloetjes 1,549 5
⚽️BEVERS🦫 1,549 7
Bochane Boxmeer 1,549 9
BrukxPLUS 1,549 5