Ranking Pools Eredivisie
A pool is included in this ranking when it has at least 5 members. The ranking is calculated by adding up the points of the first 5 members of each pool. Only members that registered to a pool before 10/1/2024 are taken into account.
Position | Pool | Points | Member count |
2,377 | 1vwo1 | 1,083 | 8 |
2,378 | De PzYchos Eredivisie poule | 1,081 | 6 |
2,379 | kinderdagverblijf goes eredvisie | 1,068 | 8 |
2,380 | Kabab happers | 1,056 | 6 |
2,381 | Homies eredivisie | 1,053 | 6 |
2,382 | VoetbalPoels🥇💸 | 1,030 | 7 |
2,383 | Niggers eredivisie voorspellen | 1,017 | 8 |
2,384 | GCB poultje | 994 | 6 |
2,385 | Vriendengroep123 | 993 | 5 |
2,386 | CHAMPIONS LEAGUEEE 2024 | 986 | 5 |
LIVERPOOL for the win 2024 | 986 | 5 | |
2,388 | Groep om te kloten | 968 | 6 |
2,389 | Poule vol verstand 2.0 | 960 | 8 |
2,390 | Eredivisie 24_25 | 959 | 6 |
2,391 | Baffende boffers🤌🏽 | 948 | 6 |
2,392 | Forza Zwolle | 941 | 5 |
2,393 | DC Eredivisie poule 24-25 | 939 | 8 |
druktemoakers x eredivisie | 939 | 7 | |
2,395 | Sssj | 937 | 5 |
Sssj/2 | 937 | 5 | |
2,397 | Kankerr | 936 | 5 |
2,398 | Beekvliet Eredivisie | 934 | 8 |
Scccc oldehove | 934 | 6 | |
2,400 | VV Rijsoord | 931 | 6 |
2,401 | Eredivisie Buurthuis 24/25 | 913 | 6 |