PNO UEFA EURO 2024 Football pool

  • Joost1988 zei op di 11 juni 17:22 Quote

    Hello football expert !

    Great that you are participating in the European Championship Pool! It will start on Friday at 9:00 PM, here is a brief explanation. Some of you have already filled in everything or only partially or nothing yet. Make sure you complete all 2 parts, including the 'Tournement' part

    Our European Championship Pool consists of 2 parts:

    under the 'Tournament' button you must:
    • Make additional predictions: enter the tournament progress, top scorer and additional questions. You must complete this before the European Championships start.

    under the 'Matches' button you must:
    • Predicting the match results. This can be done up to 1 minute before the start of the match. So you can wait to complete the finals until the countries are known.

    • Matches are monitored live.
    • We use the result after 90 minutes (including injury time). An extension therefore does not count.
    • The points for the additional predictions are awarded:
    o Groups: when all matches in the group have been played.
    o Finals: as soon as a country is known.
    o Top scorer(s): at the end of the tournament.
    o Minutes: as soon as the first yellow/red card or goal has been scored.

    Good luck predicting the matches and the tournament!

    Best regards,

Aantal deelnemers


Moet Wout Weghorst in de basis tegen Engeland?

Wat een wedstrijd was dit tegen Turkije! Nu we weer beetje nuchter(der) zijn moeten we toch wel constateren dat Nederland HET concept nog altijd niet gevonden heeft en ook zeker niet goed speelt en paar spelers 't absoluut niet hebben.. Gelukkig is er wel passie, strijd, geloof en onverzettelijkheid. Hoe moet 't (wel) tegen de Engelse, gelijk al oorlog?

  • , dan hebben we geen pinchhitter meer 33%
  • Jaaaaa.. 29%
  • , genoeg bewezen dat 't zo niet werkt 15%
  • , dat werkt niet tegen Engeland 13%
  • , genoeg alternatieven achter de hand 10%

Er is 181 keer gestemd.