Ranking pools Euro 2024

A pool is included in this ranking when it has at least 5 members. The ranking is calculated by adding up the points of the first 5 members of each pool. Only members that registered to a pool before 6/18/2024 are taken into account.

No. Name Points Member count
10633 FC BERK 1,692 13
FC Rotenberg 1,692 16
Fijnproevers 1,692 6
Gesticht van Zanen &co 1,692 9
Goeniegoegoe 1,692 10
Group of Death 1,692 7
Haarbandje 1,692 5
Holland Home Helmond 1,692 9
jochem wint 1,692 7
KBW OPBEH&VAM EK 2024 1,692 7
Klantenservice IG 1,692 16
Lads EK poule 1,692 11
Nederland - België 1,692 8
Odin 7 kk poule 1,692 15
OranjeLee(uw)denpoule 1,692 15
OUDE SEMPERS EK 2024 1,692 15
PDV poule 1,692 11
Pittige Poule 1,692 13
Plakgraagjes en de rest 1,692 9
Poel de EK 1,692 9
PolkaPoule 1,692 9
Reym Sittard 1,692 16
Siebenheller-vanJaarsveld 1,692 13
Slagerijen Kaldenberg 1,692 7
Team No Crap 1,692 9